Practical Life

The objectives of the practical life exercises are to help the child adapt to his/her environment, care for oneself, thus enabling the child to develop independence. These exercises help the child to develop stronger concentration and a more coordinated controlled movement. This area includes grace and courtesy, in which the child establishes him/herself in society through kind and courteous relationships with others.


The sensorial materials developed by Dr. Montessori assist the child in the process of classification of his/her environment through discrimination, comparison, contrast and gradation of size, weight, shape, texture, color, thereby helping the child to develop order and clarity in thinking.


The objectives of the language exercises are to develop the child’s ability to communicate through spoken language, to explore the sound/symbol relationship, to express oneself through written work, and to use the practical life and sensorial materials to develop order, sequence, and controlled movement.


Mathematic exercises are the foundational work of the child, exploring ways in which quantities are related to one another by identifying number symbols and quantity, associating these numbers and quantities, exploring similarities and differences between them. The work progresses from general to the specific using concrete materials and identifying language.

Cultural Studies

The objectives of this area are to help the child become aware of, understand and appreciate the history and diversity of world cultures, the reality of human independence, and the need for world cooperation by understanding the basic needs of man for food, shelter, clothing, transportation, defense, and spiritual needs. Additionally, these exercises help the physical (geographical) and political (cultural) context by providing identifying language, sensorial input of shapes, manual dexterity, and comparing and contrasting cultures.


The objectives of this area are to examine and explore the plant and animal world through awareness and exposure to the life that surrounds the child by providing identifying language, asking questions, providing explanations, demonstrating simple experiments, drawing and writing, and enabling the child to care for his environment.

Other Academic Areas

In addition to the usual academic subjects, the curriculum includes classes in Spanish, French, Art, Music, Godly Play, and Physical Education taught by specialist teachers.

Extra Curriculum

Extra-curricular activities, including Dance, Soccer, Athletics, Tennis, and Ceramics, are offered during the academic day by specialist staff a-la-carte.