St. Matthew's Montessori School, nestled in the heart of Newport Beach, California, is an authentic early childhood Montessori education program enrolling seventy-five students, 2.9 years of age (and fully potty trained) to 6.5 years of age. St. Matthews' credentialed teachers prepare our preschool and transitional / kindergarten classroom environments for optimal learning experiences within the framework of Dr. Maria Montessori's philosophy. Our program supports the child's sensitive learning period from three to age six. Montessori's five foundational subjects, peace, grace and courtesy coupled with extracurricular curriculum embody a holistic approach to assisting St. Matthew's students to become competent and productive individuals with great focus and joy on the development of their moral, behavioral, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual growth.
Pursuant to recent coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, and following the lead of local, federal government and community partners, St. Matthew’s Montessori School transitioned to virtual classrooms as a result of the rapidly changing public health outlook.
St. Matthew’s Montessori school wants to keep you informed on our latest information regarding St. Matthew’s Montessori school’s virtual learning plan, summer learning and year round Montessori school. We are enrolling new school families now for upcoming start dates! For an indepth conversation on our Montessori program our professional school administration team is available to take your phone call at (949) 219-0915.